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Batman Lego Foil Balloon

Batman Lego Foil Balloon

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Batman Lego Foil Balloon: 

  • 1 x Foil Balloon
  • 16in wide x 12in tall
  • Foil
  • Self-sealing
  • Reusable
  • Genuine Licensed
  • Company Packaging

Balloons are the soul of every party. No party is complete without balloons in it and to indicate a celebration or festivity, balloons are always a requirement.
The Batman Lego party supplies in Australia bring to you, the best batman Lego balloons that you have ever witnessed. Per package, you get one foiled balloon that strictly follows the theme but has a different picture imprinted upon its front and back. And so, none of the sides is kept simple. You can buy each package just for a dollar 5.50.