Avengers Birthday Banner

Avengers Add an Age Letter Banner Kit

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Avengers Add an Age Letter Banner Kit:
  • 1 customizable letter banner 10.7 FT. (3.2 M) long with 10" (25.4cm) Tall letters
  • 24 attachable pieces: 2 each 0-9 plus TH, RD, ND, ST
  • 5 pieces of double-sided tape

Avengers Party Supplies In Australia have always worked on providing things that aren't very common or ordinary in the market place.
They thought that simple banners were boring, which is why, they created for you these letter banners which give you the ability or the golden opportunity to add your age between the Happy and the birthday.
per package, you get 1 banner and you get 24 attachable pieces. To make things easier for you, you also get five pieces of tapes. The tapes are double sided and so you can paste them behind the banner.